總筆數:428 |
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傳承與分享 |
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0 |
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7471 |
小草 |
2011-04-30 |
雲林故事人唐麗芳說故事 感動萬里外83歲美國作家 |
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1 |
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8357 |
Kim |
2011-04-24 |
首度郡守官邸主人說故事 |
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0 |
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9670 |
許居士 |
2011-04-22 |
共業--共同打造友善環境的事業 |
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0 |
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7722 |
小草 |
2011-04-22 |
幸福奇蹟 |
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1 |
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7876 |
米拉su |
2011-04-16 |
For better tomorrow為更好的明天 |
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0 |
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7551 |
雲林荒野 |
2011-04-09 |
雲林故事人與唐麗芳老師的故事 |
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0 |
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13775 |
黑糖 |
2011-04-06 |
人與書的對話-Vicky and Pinky |
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0 |
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7614 |
Skye |
2011-04-04 |
感動的遊客 |
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2 |
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7542 |
來自高雄 |
2011-03-20 |
正月初一 雲林的故事4. |
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0 |
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7261 |
許居士 |
2011-02-24 |
正月初一 雲林的故事3. |
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0 |
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3246 |
許居士 |
2011-02-24 |
正月初一 雲林的故事2. |
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0 |
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3822 |
許居士 |
2011-02-24 |
正月初一 雲林的故事1. |
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0 |
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7440 |
許居士 |
2011-02-24 |
幸福100趴的雲林------傳統的堅持與現代的創意 |
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1 |
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7674 |
小草 |
2011-02-11 |
超有FU的伴手禮 |
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1 |
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7682 |
小草 |
2011-02-04 |