2025年 1月
週三~週日 10:00~18:00

  • 113年12月9日-114年1月 27日,進行維護修繕工程,施工期間將依實際需要休館,週末正常開館。
  • 【來唱台語囝仔歌】 時間:2024/8/17、8/24、8/31、9/7、9/14(六)15:00-16:30 地點:雲林故事館
  • 【參訪須知】十人以上團體請至少在一週前提出申請,以便安排館舍導覽;40人以上之團體預約時段,不開放一般參訪。
  • 【館舍公告】腳踏車租借申請開跑囉~!歡迎來館預約腳踏車租借申請!
  • 來故事館~讀一本沒有讀過的書,寫一則令人難忘的好故事!
  • 來故事館~聽一個有溫度的故事,說一個感動自己的故事!

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發表人 內容
Lee 小姐 Thanks for Giving
發表時間: 2011-10-28
Thanks for Giving

To our dear friends from around the world:
Rovago & Rondella Family Theater Marco e Federica, Tomazo, Ruberto
Therese and Andrew
Jenny, Gusti and the wonderful musicians from Bali
Rugiada and Facundo

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming to the 2011 Yunlin International Puppet Festival and sharing your wonderful art of puppetry. Your participation has been so inspiring and has brought joy to our lives in the community. Our hearts were touched by your creativity and positive energy. We have learned much from you and thank you for being such a great team to enrich our puppetry culture and tradition. During the festival, all of the staff and volunteers appreciated your kindness and understanding. We truly enjoyed the time we shared together here in Yunlin.

The wonderful moments of joy and happiness will be with us all for as long as we can remember. This was the very first time that the Yunlin Storyteller Association organized the invitation, and we were blessed to have you all to help and support us like a big family from around the world. You are all welcome to come again to share in the near future.

Be well and keep in touch!

Stay together, friends
Don’t scatter and sleep
Our friendship is made of being awake

Let love lead your soul
Make it the place to retire to
A kind of care, a retreat for the
deeper core of being
When you do things from your soul,
You feel a river moving in you, a joy
~by Rumi

Fashion will fade whereas style is eternal.~by Emily Dickson
回覆人:Therese 小姐

2011-10-28 09:01
Hi Everyone,

Lee thank you for your letter ! It was such an honor and a pleasure to be part of your festival and to meet all you wonderful bright creative souls.
I can't tell you how it reached a deep part of my heart to be in a country and culture that loves and respects puppets and puppeteers. Lots of love to you all......my new friends.....and Happy Halloween
回覆人:Lee 小姐

2011-10-28 08:57
Dear Marco e Federica, Tomazo, Ruberto, Therese, Andrew,

Rugiada and Facundo, Jenny, Gusti and the wonderful musicians from Bali:

Words could not express how much I appreciate your great support and contributions to 2011 Yunlin international puppet festival. I would like to thank

Marco, Federica, Tomazo and Ruberto for the heart warming shows which brought much joy and inspirations to everyone who had the chance to see your performances. It was great fun for us all to be at your workshop which was very creative and inspiring. And the inspiration act for us all to go to the night market in Huwei, and I am sure that will be one of the most unforgetful memories for many of us. The wonderful meet with the elementary school children in Changhu Mountain district which was a great gift to them as well as to hearts of all. Speical thanks to you to share the interantional view for puppet festival and insights for being creative. Your inspirations and art will be shared with our storytelling.

Therese, thank you for bringing fun and heart warming creativity to our community in Yunlin. We were very touched by your workshops and performances especially, the African folk tale workshop which we will continue to share with people in the future.

Andrew, thank you for creating an opportunity for us all to experience TV puppetry which was the very first time for most of us. Your thoughtfulness and considerations served as a great model for us and also brought a new insight to the community for the future puppet vision.

Jenny and Gusti and the wonderful musicans, we thank you for sharing the great traditional puppetry art from Bali which was very much appreciated by all. The great vocal art of Gusti and the shadow puppetry with the wonderful music were very impressive and very educational for the community. We have learned the way to continue tradition and art from your way of sharing.

Rugiada and Facundo, thank you for sharing your sweet loving creativity which was an eye opening fascination for people during the festival. Admire your great energy and courage to be who you are. We are looking forward to your future works. We appreciate your creativity and beautiful art of storytelling in your show and workshops.

Thank you all for being with us during the festival and bring great joy and postive energy to Taiwan. Your generosity and kindness are greatly appreciated. Thank you all for the donating wonderful puppets which will be well used and shared with the communities in Taiwan and visitors to the storyhouse.

Thank you all for offering your experiences and words of wisdom to enrich Yunlin's future puppetry.

Have a wonderful season!
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